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Working Papers

COVID-19, Crises and Women's Control of Resources: Evidence from Mexico, R&R at Economic Development and Cultural Change
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Outsourcing, Employment and Wages: Evidence from a Policy Reform in Mexico (with León Fernández Bujanda and Laura Kurczyn Juquois)
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Media: El Economista
Transfers, Intra-Household Inequality and Food Insecurity: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment (with Monika Fellmer), Submitted
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Intra-Household Allocations and Consumption Inequality under Cash Transfers and Violence
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Conditional Cash Transfers, Household Time Allocation and Bargaining Power: The Human Development Bonus in Ecuador
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Blogs: Economics That Really Matters
Experience, Tenure and Non-cognitive Skills: Evidence from the UK
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Work in Progress

State Tax Competition in the United States (with Salomón García)
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Pollution and Education: The Effect of Power Plant Closures on Students' Test Scores (with Julieth Santamaria)
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